Production of the 2016 Jungle Book
What was Favreau's approach to the remake? It was partly based on Disney's original version but also drew more on kipling's original books, giving a darker tone. The original was a U rating, however, the 2016 version became a PG rating. How did digital technology impact on the production process? All animals and landscapes etc were created on computers, mostly by the British digital effects house MPC. The animal characters were deliberately created with a realistic look, and not in a cute and cuddly cartoon style as with the original animated Jungle Book film. Discuss how CGI works. focus on blue screen and how the animals were constructed? JB16 is the result of cutting edge CGI- the animals were created digitally post- production and the one actor in the film acted against a blue screen. Using the footage, the effects team built then built the films set visually, a process known as pre-visualisation. Everything was mapped against a virtual set. ...