Referendum Analysis

Analyse why The Big Issue magazine has used an intertextual approach to the referendum on its front cover.

'The Big Issue' has recently issued a front cover magazine addressing the topic of the EU Referendum, also known as Brexit. The Referendum took place on the 23rd June 2016 and the cover has made clear, intertextual references to several personalities, including David Cameron and Boris Johnson. It has also made references to images, texts and the Swedish Pop Group, ABBA. Through the obvious use of intertextuality it has created meaning within the source. 

ABBA is a well-known Swedish pop group, formed in Stockholm in 1972 and were popular in the 70s and 80s. 'The Big Issue' has continually referenced the lyrics of ABBAs songs next to each of the politicians, all of which are relevant to the decision made to leaving the EU. ( Nicole Sturgeon, Boris Jognson, David Cameron and Nigel Ferage). David Cameron and Boris Johnson have been made to look like two female vocalists part of Swedish pop group, amusing the magazines mass audience. On the front cover, there is a high level of irony as most would consider David Cameron, former Priminister and Boris Johnson, Foreign Secutary as strong, powerful leaders. However, 'The Big Issue' does not do this but does the opposite and almost mocks their positions and authority in the Goverment. This could suggest that both men are not  the strong, powerful leaders represented in the media but are somewhat unable to do their jobs or do not it seriously. This a form of a common stereotype within our society about females. 

'The Big Issue' has also used the appearance of the front cover as an approach to the EU Referendum. The magazine has made the globe into a disco ball, with all the politicians dancing/ performing on a 'stage' beneath it. This further adds to Swedish pop group element. The idea of the disco ball could implie that their choices and actions affect the world, not just the UK. Also, the positioning of the globe is placed above the four politicians highlighting its importance and its significance. Along side this, the front cover additionally includes images of a ballot box and a ballot paper further emphasising to the audience the idea/image hoping to be achieved. From the appearances on the front cover the audience would immediately gain some idea about the magizines intertextual references and begin to collate an opinion for themselves about the particular issue. The advantages of 'The Big Issue' using these approaches to create meaning essentially allows and encourages people to buy the magazine. It also highlights the importance of current news affairs taking palace in the media. 

Some might argue that this is an effective and creative way of achieving this approach. It provides a fun and easy read for those who may have a lack of interest in the issue and allows people to gain a full understanding on the particular issue currently. Overall, I would agree that this approach is successful both in the representation of politicians and current news affairs such as Brexit.


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