The props within 'American Beauty' would suggest the idea of the American Dream (house, car, family etc), with Primary colours present throughout these scenes- red,white and blue. This is a representation of the 'good old' American country. As well as this the colours are also bland, simplistic and boring. This is present in the bedroom, bathroom and the office, which could reflect the lifestyle choices of the characters. It is evident that this has also been considered in the choices of clothing with Jane and Lester but less with Carolyn, also known as colour wise. The choices made for Lesters clothing might suggest the idea that he feels like he might be dying or he is already dead. In one particular scene the bedroom is dark on Lester's side of the bed, which might implie that Lester has some form of mental health disorder such as depression. Along side this, Roses appear present throughout the film. Jane, the daughter, has roses on her jumper, the mother, Car...
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